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Roofr vs Roofle

Instant Estimator Comparisons

June 02, 202313 min read

“Instant Quotes are the start of where sales is headed, soon you will see virtual sales taking the lead to field sales, something Boss Up Solutions is getting ahead of .” - Lateef Farooqui


Roofing contractors are always searching for ways to outshine their competitors, and they have a variety of options at their disposal, including events, conferences, software, and more. These contractors are eager to invest in anything that provides a clear return, streamlines processes, and allows their roofing companies to grow. One increasingly popular tool is the "Instant Quote" feature, which enables website visitors to input basic information and receive an immediate quote. In this article, we'll compare two of these tools and offer our perspective on the use of Instant Estimators in the roofing industry.

As the founder of Boss Up Solutions, ,my team has worked with roofing contractors of all sizes and from all over the United States and Canada. We have a unique perspective on the most effective processes, tools, and training in the industry, from new businesses to those generating over $50 million in revenue. This can be seen in our solutions we offer contractors with our BUMS Portal or other services. When we were asked about Roofle and Roofr, we decided to research and test both tools to provide an honest opinion for our customers. Although we have only recently installed these tools, we want to share what we've learned about each of them to help you make an informed decision on whether an instant estimator is necessary and which one to use.

Boss Up Solutions Team

Some of Boss Up Solutions Team


Instant quote tools, such as roofing instant estimators, provide several advantages to contractors and customers. These tools offer fast and easy estimates, which can save contractors time and help them respond more effectively to potential clients. Customers, in turn, can get an immediate understanding of the cost of a roofing project, which can help them make informed decisions and increase their trust in the contractor. However, using instant estimators may also have drawbacks, such as the possibility of inaccurate estimates or a lack of customization to the specific needs of the project. It's critical to carefully weigh the pros and cons of using these tools and decide whether they're suitable for your business and clients. Without a field inspection, it's impossible to determine details such as layers or decking, but with proper disclaimers and communication of the process, most of these issues can be resolved.

With that said, here is the comparison of Roofle and Roofr for your review! 👊

Note: Both softwares are constantly updating so check with them on any details as improvements are frequent.


Comparing the cost of Roofle and Roofr reveals significant differences. Roofle provides three pricing plans, including an annual basic subscription of $5500, a monthly subscription of $350 with a one-time setup fee of $2000, and an annual roll-up plan of $510 per month that includes the one-time setup fee. Meanwhile, Roofr offers a single flat-rate monthly subscription fee of $269 with no additional fees for onboarding or unlimited use of Instant Estimator links.

While Roofle offers greater flexibility with pricing plans, its rates are generally higher than Roofr's single subscription fee. Additionally, if your business operates in multiple locations or across state lines, using Roofle could incur extra fees. On the other hand, Roofr's pricing is more straightforward and transparent, without any hidden or unexpected costs. Furthermore, unlimited use of Instant Estimator links without additional fees is a significant benefit for businesses reliant on this feature.

Choosing between Roofle and Roofr will ultimately depend on various factors, such as the specific requirements of your business and the functionalities of each software. When assessing costs, it's vital to consider not only the price but also the value that each software provides, and whether it fits within your business goals and budget. Therefore, when it comes to cost, Roofr may be a better option due to its transparent and fixed pricing plan with no hidden costs.

Winner: Roofr


Both Roofle and Roofr have their own strengths and limitations when it comes to accuracy in obtaining measurements for roofing projects. Roofle uses proprietary measurement technology that allows for the detection of multiple structures, the ability to edit and add roof shapes, and the option to include or exclude structures from the final quote. They also offer basic slope selection based on flat, low, medium, and steep. On the other hand, Roofr currently only accounts for the main building on a property and does not include separate structures like sheds in the backyard. However, they do have plans to implement multi-structure functionality in the future. It's important to note that in some testing, both tools have gaps in some rural areas, so it would be essential to check the coverage in your area before deciding which tool to use.

Roofr has an additional measurement tool that can be used to improve accuracy after the fact of the instant quote. This can be beneficial for contractors who prioritize accuracy in their roofing projects. However, Roofle's multi-structure detection and customization options provide a level of accuracy and flexibility that may be more suitable for some businesses. Ultimately, the choice between Roofle and Roofr for accuracy in obtaining measurements will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the contractor.

In summary, both Roofle and Roofr have their own unique features when it comes to accuracy in obtaining measurements for roofing projects. Contractors should carefully evaluate the strengths and limitations of each tool and determine which one aligns with their business goals and the specific needs of their customers. The winner of this category is a draw since both tools have their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to accuracy.

Winner: Draw


Both Roofle and Roofr provide the option to embed their tools onto a contractor's website, but they have different approaches to this feature. Roofle has a more refined approach, utilizing a script that offers greater efficiency and adaptability to multiple devices. It also provides greater customization options with company logos and colors for seamless integration onto the website. However, it only functions on a domain with API access, which can pose testing difficulties but ease upon launch. In contrast, Roofr utilizes a full-page approach that may not be as visually appealing but is functional. Although workarounds can be used, such as an iframe, this can lead to delays in page load and compatibility issues with multiple devices. Roofr can also be used on multiple domains, allowing users to create funnels and subdomains, which would be a bit more challenging with Roofle. While these issues with Roofr can be resolved, it is not as polished as the embedding feature offered by Roofle. It is evident that Roofle has invested significant time in this tool, while Roofr aims to create a single tool that can do everything. Both have their strengths and limitations, but Roofle wins in terms of appearance. However, Roofr is known for its ongoing improvements, so it's worth keeping an eye on.

Winner: Roofle. 

Roofr Lateef Farooqui

Roofr Example Shown


In our limited testing, we observed that both Roofle and Roofr need more extensive address databases, although Roofr has recently added Canada to their list and is expanding its data sources and Roofle is said to be expanding data as well. In terms of user experience, Roofle has an advantage over Roofr as it offers a more dynamic and polished embedding script that adapts well to various devices. Both tools are user-friendly, but Roofle offers the unique feature of modifying the house outline, which creates user engagement and can generate more interest. It also allows for the inclusion of additional structures in the quote, while Roofr only accounts for the main building. However, Roofr follows the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) model, providing a straightforward quote that can be adjusted based on square footage. Although this model may not be as accurate as Roofle's proprietary measurement technology, with some web programming, a similar user experience can be achieved with Roofr. Ultimately, the choice between Roofle and Roofr will depend on specific needs and preferences.

Winner: Roofle (for its unique features and polished user experience) 


Roofle Example Shown


When it comes to setting up roofing measurement tools, Roofr and Roofle both offer a relatively straightforward process. Roofr provides a 30-minute onboarding session to help users get started, while Roofle offers more intensive assistance to ensure that everything is set up correctly. However, both companies have been reported to fall short in following through on getting their products fully functional for the customer, which may require additional help to ensure everything is properly configured.

It is worth noting that while both companies provide good customer service, there may be room for improvement in terms of onboarding and setup, we found both left us a bit on our own during our tests. Roofr stands out by not charging for onboarding, while Roofle does charge for it. Nevertheless, it appears that the setup experience with both tools is manageable, but additional support from third-party providers such as Boss Up Solutions may be needed to ensure that everything is working as intended.

It is important to keep in mind that setting up these types of tools can be complex and may require a certain level of technical expertise. For those who are not familiar with setting up software or integrating tools into their website, it may be a good idea to seek help from a third-party provider. In addition, the roofing industry is constantly evolving, and it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies to ensure the success of any roofing project.

In summary, while both Roofr and Roofle offer a relatively straightforward setup process, additional support may be needed to ensure everything is set up correctly. Roofr stands out by offering a free onboarding session, while Roofle provides more intensive assistance but charges for it. Overall, the setup experience with both tools is manageable, but it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the roofing industry to ensure success.

Winner: Draw


When it comes to creating a professional and polished presentation or quote, Roofle has an undeniable edge over Roofr. The quotes generated by Roofle are customizable and feature several preloaded options that give a clean and professional look. The user has the ability to configure the quote to match their company colors and logos, resulting in a seamless integration onto the website. In contrast, Roofr's presentation is limited in terms of customization and may not be as aesthetically pleasing as Roofle's.

However, it is important to note that both companies are constantly working to improve their services, and Roofr has stated that they are working on enhancing their presentation and quote capabilities. In fact, with the help of third-party providers like Boss Up Solutions, the Roofr presentation can be tailored and branded to meet specific company needs.

Overall, while Roofle has the current advantage in presentation and quotes, it is important to keep an eye on Roofr's continued improvements in this area. As technology advances and customer needs change, the winner in this category may shift in the future.

Winner: Roofle


When it comes to lead tracking and nurturing, two popular tools in the roofing industry are Roofr and Roofle. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses that should be considered before deciding which one to use for your business.

In my opinion, one of the most crucial aspects of these tools is their ability to track leads effectively. Unfortunately, Roofr lacks the capability to track clicks, opens, and integration with Zapier, making it challenging to execute follow-up sequences efficiently. On the other hand, Roofle does not offer the ability to sign proposals, which is something Roofr provides. However, Roofle enables users to create webhooks, which can be powerful in creating follow-up sequences.

It's worth noting that Roofr has recently introduced a CRM that may include some automation features, but still lacks tracking capabilities. Meanwhile, Roofle offers comprehensive analytics that track completed and incomplete forms, opens, and other important stats that can help businesses make better use of the tool.

Currently, all nurturing activities are done outside of either software. Using BUMS software or other similar tools you can supercharge your lead conversion. With BUMS, users can create drip campaigns and follow-up sequences that leverage SMS, email, and voice drops to help convert more prospects into sales. While this does require some setup, our team can provide assistance to help streamline the process. 

If you choose to use an instant estimator, it's essential not to overlook the importance of effective nurturing and follow-up strategies. Both Roofr and Roofle have their strengths and weaknesses, but a reliable lead tracking and nurturing system is critical for any successful sales operation.

Winner: Roofle (but that CRM may be a game changer for Roofr)


Roofr and Roofle are two notable tools in the roofing industry, each offering unique features and benefits. In terms of recent updates, Roofr has introduced several new features, including professional-grade roof measurements, DIY tools, and a proposal component. Additionally, they appear to be working on a CRM, which would add even more functionality to the platform.

On the other hand, Roofle is currently focused on integrating with finance companies to allow users to receive instant approvals, which can help to qualify leads more effectively. While this is something that can also be done using Roofr and a bit of creativity with finance companies, Roofle is currently prioritizing this functionality.

Both Roofr and Roofle are expanding their offerings and growing in popularity. However, Roofle seems to be primarily focused on providing an accurate estimator tool, while Roofr is aiming to help contractors with various problems by offering more solutions. It's clear that both companies are committed to delivering value to their users and will likely continue to innovate and evolve their offerings over time.

Winner: Roofr


In conclusion, it's clear that both Roofr and Roofle have their pros and cons. Both tools are continuously adding new features and technologies, making them even more valuable to contractors in the roofing industry.

At the moment, Roofle appears to be the more polished tool, but that doesn't necessarily make it the better choice for everyone. Instant quotes are just the starting point, and there will always be adjustments and site visits necessary for accuracy.

Therefore, when choosing between the two tools, it's crucial to consider which one can offer the most coverage to your market, and then factor in cost. While Roofle may be more polished, Roofr may offer more value for contractors with specific needs.

It's also worth noting that although Roofr currently lacks integration with Zapier, they have plans to address this in the near future, which could make it an even more appealing option for some users. In the end, the choice between Roofr and Roofle will depend on the specific needs of each contractor and their budget, but with both tools continuously improving, there's no doubt that they will continue to be valuable resources for the roofing industry.

Winner: You Decide, both great products but it comes down to your individual needs.

Learn more about Roofle here

Learn more about Roofr here

Be sure to take a look at our solutions, click the image below to see our new sister company Boss Up Managed Solutions helping contractors, PA's and more.

BUMS by Lateef FArooqui and Boss Up Solutions

BUMS Portal by Boss Up Solutions

Here is a list of what Lateef Farooqui suggests to get the most from your instant estimator tool, these are no in any particular order.

  • Engage Customer in Under 15 minutes (SMS/Call)

  • Partner with a Finance Provider(s)

  • Customize Your Proposal/Quotes

  • Make Mobile Friendly

  • Create a Lead Nurture Campaign

  • Create a Drip Campaign

  • Triggers/Actions when possible based on clicks

  • Virtual Sales Schedule/Present

  • Leverage Loom and Zoom

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